Welcome to the modular version of our course "Fast track to Contactless EMV expertise".

Contactless EMV Module 2: Advanced

Continue your journey into the exciting world of Contactless EMV with the 2nd module of our flagship course 'Fast track to Contactless EMV expertise'.

Learn about cryptography for conctactless, take a deep dive into magstripe mode and learn about the common elements of EMV mode.

Contactless EMV Module 2 is a 4-hour technical course that focuses on cryptography for conctactless, on magstripe mode and on the common elements of EMV mode. This module comes with practical exercises to help you assimilate the new concepts and to get practical experience on contactless magstripe transaction analysis.

This 2nd module is quite technical, and can be taken by anyone with basic IT knowledge who wants to start a journey towards contactless payment expertise. We strongly advise completing Module 1 before taking this Module 2.

Upon completion of this module, an "Advanced level" certificate is delivered to the student, which can be printed and shared on LinkedIn.

All the video lessons come with English closed captions/subtitles, which have been automatically translated into the following languages: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Turkish, Ukrainian and Urdu.

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Unique learning approach

The learning path is one of increasing complexity, with building blocks to construct the Contactless EMV knowledge, and practical exercises and quizzes to keep students engaged.

This is the second of 3 modules that will take you on a path towards Contactless EMV expertise.

The Contactless EMV Module 2 course starts with a reminder of the cryptographic concepts that are still relevant for contactless, including transaction authorization and offline data authentication. It then introduces and looks into the technicallities of contactless transaction authorization for mag-stripe and EMV modes, and of how fDDA works.

The journey continues with a deep dive into contactless mag-stripe mode, from the high-level concept all the way to the APDUs involved and how terminals retrieve the magstripe track for the online authorization message. This chapter is supplemented with practical exercises.

This module ends with a look at the common elements of contactless EMV mode, introducing the high-level concept, discussing the Cardholder Verification Methods applicable to contactless, and reviewing the kernels' Outcome parameters.

Those constitute the building blocks needed to continue to the last module of the complete course.

Contactless EMV Module 2 curriculum

  • 1
    01. Cryptography
    • Course material
    • 01-01. Recap from contact EMV: Authorization
    • 01-02. Recap from contact EMV: ODA
    • 01-03. Contactless magstripe authorization
    • 01-04. Contactless EMV authorization
    • 01-05. Contactless Offline Data Authentication
    • Chapter 1 Quiz
  • 2
    02. Mag-stripe mode
    • 02-01. General concept
    • 02-02. Transaction flow
    • 02-03. APDU: SELECT
    • 02-03. Practical exercises on SELECT command
    • 02-04. Practical exercises on GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command
    • 02-05. APDU: READ RECORD
    • 02-05. Practical exercises on READ RECORD command
    • 02-06. Practical exercises on COMPUTE CRYPTOGRAPHIC CHECKSUM command
    • Chapter 2 Quiz
  • 3
    03. EMV mode: Common elements
    • 03-01. General concept
    • 03-02. Cardholder Verification Methods
    • 03-03. Outcome processing
    • Chapter 3 Quiz

Who is the course intended for?

I built the course with the following audience in mind: people who need strong Contactless EMV technical knowledge to be effective and efficient in their work. This includes roles in the following areas:

  • Payment terminal EMV certification
  • Payment terminal integration
  • Payment terminal development or quality assurance
  • Troubleshooting transaction failures for banks or acquirers
  • Chip card issuance
  • Chip card development or quality assurance
  • Consulting in any of the areas above

I hope you’ll enjoy taking this course as much as I enjoyed building it.

Free trial

Want to see if you like it first? There's a free trial for the complete course that includes 2 lessons, you'll learn something new for sure!

Try it out now!

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Finish the learning journey

with the last module

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A building block towards innovation

This course could be part of your strategy to bring the innovation spark to your company. Check out our article on "paving the way to innovation with employee development" in our Blog to know more. You can also catch a free replay of the webinar we did on the topic.
Watch the webinar replay
A building block towards innovation

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